In addition to your PPPoE login details when connecting your Aquiss broadband connection, across certain networks/products that we offer, you will also need to supply the VLAN ID. The guide below provides a basic guide to show you how to add these details on PFSense hardware.

A special thanks to our customer, James Wolf, who has created this guide.

Networks that require Internet VLAN IDs for PPPoE

The following networks require this additional setting when making a PPPoE connection. Without it, your Aquiss username/password will not complete its connection to the internet.

- CityFibre (VLAN ID is 911)

Configuring Interfaces

Navigate to Interfaces -> Assignments -> VLAN

Click Add

Select WAN interface as parent interface, use 911 for VLAN tag and click save

Go to Interface -> Assignments

Click Add next to the VLAN interface

Click on the newly-created interface - OPT1

General Configuration

PPPoE Configuration

Enter your Aquiss username/password

Click Save

Adjust your firewall rules as appropriate, considering that the newly created VLAN interface is your WAN interface.

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